Barrel Supplier Intake Form

  • Thank you for your interest in supplying used barrels to our customers through our national barrel “upcycling” program. Our program is the perfect barrel recycling solution! This information allows us to ensure that your barrels are compatible with our DIY RainKits™ and safe for reuse.

    All barrels must be 55-gallon tight-head poly-drums that look like the one in the picture below. Once you have submitted your form, we will review your information and get back to you to discuss program details.

    This form serves as an application of interest and does not guarantee a listing.

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

  • Name of company, organization, or individual seeking to enter a Barrel Supplier Agreement with BlueBarrel
  • Contact Person
  • Mailing Address

    This allows us to ensure compatibility with our rain barrel kits, and that barrels are safe for re-use.

    Barrels must look like the following:
  • Mandatory barrel requirements:

    Please check all the boxes that apply to your barrel stock. Containers that do not meet the following criteria cannot be accepted at this time. Please contact us if you have questions about other barrel types.
  • Max. file size: 5 MB.
  • (only for those barrels that meet the above criteria)
  • (only report those that meet the checklist criteria above)

    We will use this information to create a sample barrel pickup voucher for your review. We will not present this information on our website until we have reviewed your questionnaire with you and signed a barrel supplier agreement.
  • Pickup Contact
  • Pickup Address

  • Most of our participating barrel suppliers offer us a wholesale price. We will contact you to discuss pricing before firming up an agreement. If you are not sure what to propose, you may leave this field blank.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


BlueBarrel is your one-stop-shop for used barrels, DIY rain barrel systems, and gravity-fed irrigation.

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