Podcast Features: 3 Lively Interviews With BlueBarrel’s Founder

A Garden Podcast for Listeners from Coast to Coast

Join hosts Mike O'Rourke and Scott Sandstrom of Your Midwest Garden Podcast as they enjoy a fun-filled hour with BlueBarrel's founder, Jesse Savou. The trio discusses the water quality benefits and legalities of collecting rainwater for thirsty gardens all over the USA. Listeners also get tips on how to plan a DIY rain barrel system, how to beautify rain barrels, and as a special bonus, a discount code for their first purchase at bluebarrelsystems.com!

Your Midwest Garden Podcast Show Graphic

Mike O'Rourke & Scott Sandstrom host casual conversations about gardening on the popular Your Midwest Garden Podcast. Enjoy fun and relaxed interviews with experts and DIY gardeners that will interest listeners from coast to coast. 

Run time 59 min.

Podcasts Highlighting BlueBarrel's 10+ Year Journey

BlueBarrel was featured in two sustainability podcasts in late 2022, highlighting interviews with our founder, Jesse Savou, as she reflects on the 10-year journey that began with BlueBarrel's unlikely inception in 2012.

Join hosts Izumi Tanaka of Home Green Homes and Neal Collins of The Regenerative Real Estate Podcast to learn about Jesse's journey to launch BlueBarrel, the values behind our business, and how our offerings have evolved to what's available to customers all over the USA through our website today.

Regenerative Real Estate Podcast Graphic

Neal Collins' Regenerative Real Estate Podcast features architects, developers, land stewards, farmers, philosophers, and community organizers who are pushing culture toward a more resilient future.

Run time 1 hr 10 min.

HomeGreenHomes Podcast Image

Izumi Tanaka's Home Green Homes Podcast invites a variety of experts in the world of green homes to have conversations about how we can all live in healthy, resilient and efficient homes. 

Run time 36 min.


BlueBarrel is your one-stop-shop for used barrels, DIY rain barrel systems, and gravity-fed irrigation.

We’re tried and true, and we’re here for you!

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