8 Things to Know about Gardening with Native Plants

Did you know that fall into early winter is the best time to plant California native plants? And in fact, planting with a native plant palette is a great way to bring your landscape into balance with nature – wherever you are.

Native landscaping extends habitat for pollinators. It also works with nature rather than against it in terms of water needs and climate conditions. Our soils have evolved with native plants. A native plant palette is a beautiful way to honor the natural heritage of your local community.

CA Native Plants: Columbine

CA Native Plants: Manzanita












Here we are highlighting a piece by BlueBarrel customer, Melissa Keyser, author of the Sweet Bee Garden Blog. This peace features the most important things to know about planting with California native plants.

Many of these tips will apply to other regions as well, so please dig in with Melissa to read her 8 Things to Know about Gardening with California Native Plants.

Since many native plants can be watered in with gravity fed drip irrigation, and since they are water-use appropriate by definition, native plants are the perfect match for a rainwater-irrigated garden. 

For a past issue about Melissa’s BlueBarrel Rainwater Catchment System, click here!


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