The DIY Files: “Introducing My BlueBarrel System!” – Notes from a DIY rain barrel customer

Ever wonder what it’s like to build a BlueBarrel System? Wonder if you have the skills? Follow the link to read this post by BlueBarrel customer Melissa, blogger and homesteader extraordinaire, on her blog, Forgotten Skills: Introducing My BlueBarrel System.

Melissa built her 15-barrel BlueBarrel Rainwater Catchment System™  all by herself over a couple of days using BlueBarrel’s RainKit™   (our customizable DIY rain barrel kit) squeezing the project into stolen moments before work. The system collects from her chicken coop, and will fill with just 6″ of rain falling on the coop’s 200-square-foot roof.

Melissa did a fantastic job, and her garden (and chickens!) will thank her!

Click here for more photos, and to read about her experience installing her 15-barrel system!

BlueBarrel Rain System Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 12.55.25 PM



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